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Charter Erasmus+ for vocational education and training

In 2015 the Secondary vocational school Handlová obtained Charter for vocational education and training as one of the 12 secondary schools. The Charter is determined only for organizations which well organized mobility for students and which is guarantee of quality for realization of international projects.

The force of Charter is the whole project period Erazmus+ from 2016 to 2020.

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Within the programe Erasmus+ we would like to continue in successful implementation of project activities in key activity KA1 and KA2 which strongly contribute to school development and its credit to secondary school market in region. The main benefit of project results we can see in problem-free applicability our graduants, in expertise of teachers, in taking and the development of new professional and language competences So we woul like to involve as many as possible our talented students and teachers.

Mobilities which we want to realize as sending organization, we want to focus on branches : mechanic of computer networks, electrotechnology, technical lycée, graphic of digital media and bilingual business academy. The aim of school in international project is integrate the interships abroad to educational programme with full recognition as part of learning process. The number of mobility we want to raise to every above average student could participate on the project. We want to use opportunity of this informal learning at different stages of professional training for the profession.

We want to involve teachers of special subject, leaders of subject board, tutors of learning programmes and members of school management to mobilities in order to take new knowledges in their approbation, in methods of teaching in schools in Europe, to improve foreign language skills, to take inspiration for creation of training classrooms, for methods of motivation of youth, about progressive methods of education in European school systems.

In coming years, the Secondary vocational school plans to organize 200 mobilities, 172 for students and 28 for stuff of vocational training. The plan of mobilities for period from 2016 to 2020 is based on the interest in study in a particular field. Every year we want to realize mobility according to the type of participants and their professional orientation. We will continue in cooperation with partners Coleg Cambria Wrexham, Great Britain, Integrated secondary school Sokolnice, Czech republic, Secondary electrotechnical vocational school Plzeò, Czech republic, Maltepe Anadolu Lisesi Istanbul, Turkey.

Mobilities will be funded from grants received, financing in the form of school budget or funds received from business.

In next 5 years we plan to send an intership students of bilingual business academy every year in order to improve their professional English to reach the level B2/C1 of European framework and to take the national language examination. Every second year we want to create intership for students of mechanic of computer networks, electotechnology, technic lycée and graphic of digital media. The number of terms will depend on number of students in class. The students of third class will be selected priority. They will have sufficient expertise for implementation of the work programme of mobility and language skills.

Teachers who constantly increasing their qualification in various updating and innovative programmes have an interest in international intership too. In this cathegory we would like to focus on language skills that are very weak due to the higher average age of teachers. We plan to send an intership group of 4-10 teachers by subject areas in next 5 years.

Secondary vocational school Handlová do not want only fulfill the role of a passive partner in international cooperation, but it want to offer its modern equipped classrooms, training center, experiences of qualified person for interships as host organization. The school vision is establishing cooperation with new partners through contact seminars which will be organized within Erasmus+ or individually during monitoring visits to partner schools or recommendations. The businesses and companies that can directly participate in the modification of educational programmes wil be valuable partners.

The results of all project activities we want to implement to educational programmes. We want to gradually revise training programmes as required by the European qualification framework and National qualification system with a view of problem-free applicability our graduants on European labor market.

Last update 7.7.2016