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Coleg Cambria, Wrexham, Great Britain

The Coleg Cambria is internationally respected secondary school. It is one of the biggest secondary schools in Great Britain that gives work to more than 1600 employee. The school has around 7000 daily and more than 20 000 external students from 4 continets. The Coleg Cambria has 6 sites: technical training center, public art galery, theater and art studios, farm (larger than 4 km2 ), modern center care of the animals and 2 restaurants. The Coleg Cambria offers within tutorials HNC courses for daily and external students, for stuff to improve qualification and for adult education.

The Coleg Cambria covers 3 regions with number of inhabitants nearly 400000 people what represents more than 12% of Wales population. The Coleg Cambria has good cooperation with more than 100 employers, e.g international corporations as Airbus, JCB, Kelloggs, Kronospan, Moneypenny, UPM Shotton Paper and Village Bakery.

The school was a partner in more than 20 European funded projects e.g Erasmus+, Leonardo Da Vinci (Comenius, Transfer of Innovation, Grundtvig and partnership). The school has a lot of experiences in project and mostly in receiving foreign students at school. Nowadays the school cooperates with Slovakia, Romania, Italy, Germany, Spain, Hungary, Austria, Slovenia, Finland, Denmark and Netherlands.

Secondary vocational electrotechnical school, Plzeň, Czech republic

Secondary vocational electrotechnical school Plzeň provides secondary level education and vocational certificate education in daily and external branches electrotechnic, electronic and telecommunication equipment. The school has more than 800 students and 140 staff. It organizes courses and training for edults and for employees companies. It cooperates with important employers in region and with others electrotechnical schools in Czech republic and abroad. From 2001 it uses experiences with teaching of electric subjects, experiences with using of training equipment in German power station RWE in Trier. It cooperates with Chamber of commerce in Trier, with SOŠ Handlova and Secondary vocational energy school in Trnava. The school organizes the traineeships in Germany and in Slovakia for the most successful students and provides training for students at its social partners – mostly in stabilized companies Dioss Nýřany a. s., Kappenberger+Braun s. r. o., Eurosoft Control s. r. o., Škoda Transportation s. r. o., Škoda Machine Tool a. s., Motorservis In a. s., Elektron Rokycany s. r. o., Lasselsberger s. r. o. and others. These companies create quality conditions for students education in the field of innovation of educational modules, technological processes and activly help to applicate shooleducational plan to practice. In cooperation with company Eaton Elektrotechnics s.r.o. it opperates specialized classroom of electro-install and system „Nikobus.

Secondary vocational school of electrotechnology and energy Sokolnice, Czech republic

The school was established in 1953 for needs of energetics of South Moravia. From 1991 the school is independent. At present the school has about 280 daily students and 65 staff. It prepares the students in branches: electrician – high current and low current, electrotechnics, electrician for cars, and in field of study with GCSE : mechanics electrician- mechanic power installations and information technologies. It provides complex education in theoretical and practical field as well as training outside the classroom. Within JMK funded project 20 students from partner school in Kragujevac, Serbia study there.

Theoretical teaching is held in special classrooms and laboratories, training is held in training classes in Sokolnice and in the breakaway workplace in Brno. In last years mostly of training classrooms were reconstructed and modernized to meet the new demands for education future professionals in the field of electrotechnic and energy and to provide high standard for work training. Although this is school with low number of students, it was successful in taking grants and equip some classrooms with modern technologies. School promotes nationwide efforts to attract attention of public and primary schools pupils of technical courses because there is still not enough graduates of these courses. For that the school regularly organizes courses and Days of technic for primary schools. School operates a Further Education Center, realizes requalification courses and organize further education in the field cable technology, work on high voltage, courses and examinations by decree 50/1978 about electrotechnic qualification. In January 2016 Energy center - technologies for 21-st century was opened. It is a unique learning workplace in Czech republic.

The school has own dormitory, dinning facility and sports facilities. The training is hold in the workplaces of companies for which students prepare. It is a member of Czech union of employers in energy.

Maltepe Anadolu Lisesi, Istanbul, Turkey

Maltepe Anadolu Lisesi is state secondary school which provides qualified general education with the students between the age of 14-18. They mainly study Maths, Turkish literature, English language, German language and art (music and visual arts). The main purpose of the school is to provide students with the profiency for university in various areas from engineering to medicine and social science. The number of students is approximately 700 with 25 classrooms, three science labs and a music and sports facilities. The staff is 4 managers and 42 teachers who supply a general education for different areas of universities. The students are highly successful ones who are elected by an entrance exam from different regions of Turkey. Their main aim is to enter top universities in Turkey. The education gives students academic qualification with scientific thinking and problem solving skills. Their vision is to raise youth who have the apprehension of human first, who are responsible for the era we live in, who can produce solutions on the basic of scientific data.

Model High School of Mathematics Academician Kiril Popov, Plovdiv, Bulgaria

Model High School of Mathematics Academician Kiril Popov was founded 15-th of September in 1971. The school has a rich history as well as modern education ways. The school was the organizer of many international and national forums such as: The XIIth Balkaniad in mathematics – 1995, XXVII National Spring Conference of the League of mathematicians in Bulgaria 1997, III. Olympiad Junior Balkan in mathematics – June 1999, XIIth Balkan Olympiad in Informatics – July 2004, The XXIst International Olympiad in Informatics - August 2009, etc. More than 37 medailist (gold, silver and bronze) from International Olympiads in Mathematics, Informatics, Physics and Astronomy. The school is a dynamic educational environment, what is important for educational improvement. It prepares the young people in variou areas of training as mathematics, informatics, informatic technologies, computer graphic and design, foreign languages, etc.

The school management support each activity for improvement of education. Stuff tries to motivate students to learning via innovative educational methods, competitions, creative activities in fictitious and junior companies.

Staff particulary pay attention to students which come from socially and economically disadvantaged families which number increase. Students from divorced families, from families living on the edge of subsistence minimum and disabled students have special position in the clssrooms. The school helps them to find better treatment in life and in the labor market.

Last update 7.7.2016