European Parlament approved new programme of European Union (EU) in the field of education and vocational training under the name Erasmus + with effect from 2014. This program combines all actual project of EU in the field of Lifelong learning Erasmus, Leonardo da Vinci, Comenius. Our school implements two-year project. Internationalization of vocational education within international project Erazmus plus in the field of education and vocational training.
Aims of the project:
In the days of 4.10. 2014 – 25.10. 2014 students from classes II.A a III.L, totaly 12 students of biligual business academy, participated within project Erazmus + in partnership vocational mobility in Coleg Cambria – Yale, Wrexham, Great Britain.
The goal of this vocational mobility was improvement of language competences in special terminology, knowledges and interpersonal skills in the field of enterpreneurship and tourist industry. Students discussed about business ethics in the world, wrote curriculum vitae and application form, tried to establish their own business, to obtain investment, to find suitable line of business and to persuede of prospective customer about quality of services and products. They learned off rules about firm presentation and about stock exchanging. They met real businessmen who discussed about their experiences with start of business, canvasing customers, their achievements and problems. They study how to organize work in business, to arrange workers in firm, to reward them.
During the first two November weeks in 2014, 12 students of the third class, field of study mechanics of computer networks, mechatronics and technical lyceum, participated on the project ERASMUS+ in the metropolis of West Czech district – Plzeň. This international programme was target on improvement of vocational education and training.
The main part of the project – „ Internationalization of vocational education“ was realized in modern training classrooms of Secondary vocational school of electroengineering in Plzeň and at specialized working places of partner firms of this school. The aim of mobility was improvement and obtaining of professional knowledges, skills and work habits in the field of microprocessor techniques, video camera systems, programming of PLC automatics and control technique.
In the days of 24.11. 2014 – 29.11. 2014 10 teachers of Secondary vocational school Handlová within the programme ERASMUS+ - PROGRAMME MOBILITY FOR STAFF-MEMBER OF PROFESSIONAL TRAINING visited Secondary vocational school of electroengineering in Plzeň. Staff mobility helped techers to obtain more information about prognoses of vocational education in Czech republic and in Slovakia, to try teaching foreign languages in other country, to learn about working conditions in Czech republic mainly in the west of the country.
In the days of 25. 4. 2015 – 9. 5. 2015 12 students of Secondary vocational school Handlová participated on educational stay at Coleg Cambria in town Wrexham. This educational stay was a part of project Erasmus+ key activity KA1. The aim of educational stay was improving of language competences and skills of students and taking new knowledges and experiences in branch of their study. Work programme was very interesting and varied. Students went to school every day, they attended some subjects together with English studets. The lessons were managed by lecturers and students tried to do a lot of interesting activities – they took photographs in exterior, processed these materials by graphics programmes, they created videos and others. Besides school activities, students visited cultural, historical and nature features of the host country.
In term from 15. 11. to 28. 11. 2015 12 pupils of our school with pedagogic supervisors took part in educational stay through project ERASMUS+ „Internationalization of vocational education“. The destination was town Plzeň in Czech republic, concrete Secondary vocational electrotechnical school. During the stay their work programme was focused on obtaining of practical skills in operation, control of technical parameters of digital machinery. Students trained in workroom of diagnostics and measurement, workroom of safety and telecommunication technology and workroom of pneumatics and automatization. They had a chance to compare facilities in our school with facilities in Secondary vocational electrotechnical school in Plzeň. But their technical knowledges were very good. Apart from knowledges and experiences, they got a Certificate of participant, Europass Mobility and small present from teachers of training courses.
In the days 8.11. – 27.11.2015 totaly 12 students of biligual business academy (II.A, III.A) participated on educational stay in Wrexhame (Wales) at Coleg Cambria – Yale – Great Britain. The aim of the stay was to improve and make general and technical language competences better and to take practical knowledges in the field of entrepreneurship.
Last update 7.7.2016