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KA2 School partnership
Project Safe energy – energy for the future

This is the name of the international project which is coordinated by Secondary vocational school Handlova. The teachers of this school, namely teachers of natural subjects, wrote project within the new EU programme Erasmus+ (was approved by European Parliament) in the field of education and training. This programme replaces all actual EU programmes bringing together: Erasmus, Leonardo da Vinci, Comenius and Grundtvig. The project is the challenge for school and possibility to continue european dimension of education and to contribute to increase in quality and credit to our school in region. The national and european projects become inseparable part of school activities and means for extraordinary possibility for environmental and language preparation of students and teachers. The project meet the conditions of Trenčin self-govening region – establisher of Secondary vocational school Handlová.

What was the inspiration and how project activities

Although somebody could say that we have been living information period (it is largely true), we could oppouse him and say that we live in period of electricity. 230V, 50 Hz – are basic parameters of alternating current, and we would get back a few hudreds years to the middle ages. Maybe we do not realize by daily using of the bulb, computers, gas furnace with electrical pump, which are switch on by electric spark, washing machines, microwave owens, and more electrical appliances, that without production of electrons current world would collapse. By way of project teachers decided to have a think about importance of electric power, its ecological production and rational economic use, make sense co-responsibility for good running of our planet and ecological behaviour of person. This is connected with necessity of rationalization of power consumption, meaning of renewable sources of energy and possibilities of their exploitation in Slovakia and worldwide.

The topic of the project was chosen because of necessity to inform students and other project participants about the state of current energy sources which capacity is limited and exhaustible in a short time. For that it is necessary to pay attention to new, safety – renewable sources as wind, water, sun, biomass that do not bring so many environmental problems. At the same, the aim of the project is increase the interes of students in solving this question and change their attitude in behavior to the environment.

During the realization of the project we will try to increase the education attractiveness by using new innovative educational methods – project learning, teaching experience in the field, CLIL teaching, which includes the integration of language and content learning. Trough the project to acquire new knowledge about these issues that we give to students. But our goal is to give them to general public.

4 next european countries accepted our challenge an they became our partners: Model High School of Mathematics Acadecian Kiril Popov in Plovdiv from Bulgaria, Secondary school Maltepe anadolu Lisesi in Istambul from Turkey and two secondary schools from Czech republic – Secondary electrotechnic and energetic school in Sokolnice and Secondary electrotechnical vocational school in Plzen. Mutual project international meetings became experience meetings for all participants. Teachers dealing with professional and environmental education as well as willing to share their knowledge and benefiting new impulses and ideas met on these meetings. From the beginning of the project, November 2014, 4 transnational meetings have been realized – in Slovakia, in our school, In Turkey – in Istambul, in Bulgaria – in Plovdiv, and in Czech republic – in Sokolnice, in partners schools. The 1-st transnational meeting was held in our school from 2. to 4. of December in 2014. It was initial work meeting of all project partners. The 2-nd transnational meeting „ Safe energy- energy for the future“ was held in Istambul. The 3-rd project meeting was organized by Model High School of Matematics Acadmians Kiril Popov in Plovdiv and 4-th meeting was organized by Secondary electrotechnic and enrgetic school in Sokolnice near Brno. During these meetings the teachers exchanged their experiences in the field of inovative educational methods use, they praised at achievements and technological equipment in schools, they participated in the field trips in various types of power stations, for example nuclear, water, photovoltaic, thermal and biomass power. We visited thermal power station Nováky (SR), photovoltaic power station in Lazany (SR) and Brezovo in Bulgaria, water power station Orpheus in Bulgaria and in Czech republic we visited nuclear power station Dukovany and biomass power station in Švábenice next to Brno. In addition to professional activities and workshops teachers visited historical sights seats occupied by the partner schools, they got to know cultures and built new collegial relations.

Last update 7.7.2016